The most DETAILED Realistic *Medieval Buildings* on the market? | Tabletop World

Hey guys. Well, I’ve finally got my hands on some Tabletop World buildings. After having first seen these things many years ago, and fallen in love with them, I now finally have a small set of my own. **I am not being paid** for this video so what you see is exactly what I think of these without bias. I contacted TTW and asked them if they’d be willing to send me some to review and they were kind enough to send these over all the way from Croatia. I new they were good, and when I was able to get them in my hands I was still stunned at the amount of detail and realism they’ve packed into these at such a small scale! So much detail in fact that you’d have to be careful not to lose any of it when painting them up. So, I asked if they’d be willing to give a discount for my viewers, (you guys!) and they happily obliged and gave me a code for you to put in when making your order! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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