10-minute Indoor Walking Workout for Seniors, Beginner Exercisers

This 10-minute indoor walking workout will help improve your cardiovascular health by getting your heart rate up and increasing strength with exercises that work your legs, glutes, core and upper body. Perfect for seniors and beginner exercisers. This workout is about 1200 steps, more or less depending on your pace. Join my 81-year-old mom and me as we walk and say yes to next steps to good health. Take her advice: “Don’t sit around. Get up and walk!“ Marching or walking in place is the foundation for the workout. The 30-second rounds will also work on your balance and coordination, which is important to prevent falls, the leading cause of non-fatal and fatal injuries among seniors. Be sure to warm up before doing this workout. Do one of our warm up videos: ✳️ 7-minute Warm Up: ✳️ 8-minute Warm Up: ✳️ 10-minute Warm Up: After the workout, do our
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