Kill Team Gallowfall Battle Report - Hearthkyn VS Fellgor
In today’s battle report we have Kill Team Gallowfall (kindly sent by Games Workshop) with the Hearthkyn Salvagers VS Fellgor Ravagers. I’m joined by Ryan from @turningpointtactics6177 as we help teach you the game of Kill Team, but more importantly, these two new teams!
If you’re thirsty, I have a Patreon, it comes with datacards and a podcast:
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Warhammer 40000 and 40k and Age of Sigmar and Warhammer Fantasy are tabletop games that involve tactics and titans and behemoths and sometimes going full tilt and I like warhammer 40000 battle reports 40k and AOS can you tell this is SEO?
0:00 Intro
5:30 Turn 1
18:35 Turn 2
35:58 Turn 3
46:53 Turn 4
51:08 Post-game chat
#warhammer #battlereport #gallowfall