N. Korean defense chief executed for disloyalty 북 현영철 숙청

We begin with some big news coming out of North Korea. North Korea′s Defense Minister Hyon Yong- was executed last month... for disrespecting leader Kim Jong-un after having exhibited inappropriate behavior that angered the young leader. Our Han Da-eun takes a closer look at the execution and the possible reasons behind it. Insubordination to Kim Jong-un and neglect of duty. These appear to be the reasons why North Korea′s Defense Minister Hyon Yong-chol was executed in public. Seoul′s National Intelligence Service, in a confidential report to the parliament, said Tuesday... that Hyon was shot dead with an anti-aircraft gun at a military school on April 30th, with hundreds of soldiers watching. The spy agency said Hyon had frequently expressed his dissatisfaction with Kim Jong-un′s leadership... and neglected to follow Kim′s orders on several occasions. He even dozed off during a speech
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