Tour/Seminars are held every other Saturday at The Venus Project Center in Venus, Florida at 1 pm. The Venus Project tour is an informative and educational experience like no other. Roxanne speaks for several hours, walks guests around the grounds, shows and describes hundreds of scale models and answers questions about the project. It is a powerful way to get a better understanding of this optimistic and attainable future as envisioned by Jacque Fresco and now carried forward by co-founder Roxanne Meadows. Reservations are required; please sign up here:
The Venus Project proposes an alt
...ernative vision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know in order to achieve a sustainable new world civilization. It calls for a straightforward redesign of our culture in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable but as totally unacceptable. AnythiShow more