Diy Mini Tiered Tray Lemon Gnome - Craft Fair Must-have!
Diy Mini Tiered Tray Lemon Gnome - Craft Fair Must-have! This is an easy lemon gnome diy. This is a great summer gnome for a tiered tray. If you want to make a no sew gnome, this is a pretty easy gnome tutorial. This is a great craft fair seller 2024, If you want an easy gnome to make, this is a great project for you. I hope you enjoy him. Thanks for watching. #lemongnome #summergnome #diygnome
Shoes (Amazon)
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Lemons - 2“ x 3“ long
Faux Fur - (Use coupon code PATTI to save 30%)
Fleece Fabric
My Favorite Crafting Supplies -
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