Online Kumite Seminar(Part2)- Bharat Karate Academy
Kumite Session taken online by Bharat Karate Academy
“Shihan Bharat Sharma”
8th Dan Black Belt
Director - BKA, SSKI & KAI
President - South Asian Karate Federation
“Pranay Sharma”
Indian National Karate Team Member
National Champion x4
South-Asian Champion x2
SGFI Champion x2
Top 100 world World Ranking player
(Only from India in kata or Kumite)
Asian Ranking 5th
We present to you Karate-Do training which you can follow at home, focusing on being Fit, Healthy and Strong during this Lock Down.
This Program provides a look into different attacks and techniques you should know being a Karateka, how to imply it, and how to utilise it in competitions.
Take Care and Be Safe
Hope you enjoy and train harder!
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5 months ago 00:00:00 1
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