Top 5 Typical Gymnast LEG EXERCISES You NEVER DO!

Get the shredded physique of a gymnast, JOIN HERE: Gymnasts have strong legs to be able to do sprints, springs and landings. Obviously, for these they don’t need to have huge legs, since massive legs would make everything harder. It’s like a bodybuilder or a powerlifter won’t do flips and different skills with their physique since there aesthetics and absolute strength are the main goals. Gymnastics is a skill based sport, where to be able to do the skills gymnasts need optimal muscle mass, no more no less. I’ve already talked about this in one of my previous videos that if you haven’t seen yet, you’ll find it at the end of this one. Gymnast leg training is about relative strength and skill development which of course come with aestethic benefits as well. Same as you can build decent back with bodyweight pull-ups only, so can you build strong and propotionals legs, especially with the explosive variations. Get the shred
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