JavaScript Game Development Course for Beginners

Learn to make 2D games with HTML, CSS & plain vanilla JavaScript, no frameworks and no libraries! From sprite animation to state management, in this series of projects you will learn everything you need to make your own 2D animated games! We will go step by step explaining each technique on a small standalone codebase and then we will use everything we learned to make a single final game. ✏️ Course by Frank’s Laboratory. ⭐️ Assets ⭐️ 🕹 Project 1: Vanilla JavaScript sprite animation techniques 🕹 Project 2: Parallax backgrounds with JavaScript Layers Zip (right click and “Save link as...“, then confirm you want an insecure file): 🕹 Project 3: Enemy movement patterns Enemies Zip (right click and “Save link as...“, then confirm you want an insecure file): 🕹 Project 4: Collision animations from a sprite sheet 🕹 Project 5: Point & shoot game raven: dust cloud: 🕹 Project 6: Enemy variety in JavaScript games worm: ghost: spider: 🕹 Project 7: Side-scroller game with mobile support Player: Background: Enemy: 🕹 Project 8: State management in JavaScript games 🕹 Project 9: Final endless runner game with all the features Player: 🕹 City background layers: Layer 1: Layer 2: Layer 3: Layer 4: Layer 5: 🕹 Fire texture: 🕹 Collision animation: 🕹 Lives: 🕹 Forest background layers: Layer 1: Layer 2: Layer 3: Layer 4: Layer 5: 🕹 18 Enemies: Big spider: Bat 1: Spinner: Small spider: Ghost 1: Bat 2: Raven: Bat 3: Ghost 2: Fly: Ghost 3: Ghost 4: Hand: Plant: Worm: Walking zombie: Ground zombie: Digger: 🔗 More art assets: ⭐️ Contents ⭐️ 0:00:00 Intro 0:01:28 Project 1: Vanilla JavaScript sprite animation techniques 0:43:07 Project 2: Parallax backgrounds 1:25:33 Project 3: Enemy movement patterns 2:13:31 Collision detection between rectangles 2:19:23 Collision detection between circles 2:24:14 Project 4: Collision animations from a sprite sheet 2:48:35 Project 5: Point & shoot game 3:50:44 Project 6: Enemy variety 4:45:49 Project 7: Side-scroller game with mobile support 5:54:04 Project 8: State management 7:02:57 Project 9: Final endless runner game with all the features
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