RED TARA MANTRA, GIVES WELFARE TO ALL LIVING BEINGS. #Om Tare Tam Soha In Buddhism, #RedTara is an aspect of Tara, who is associated with magnetizing all good things and is considered the heart of Tara herself. The origin of #Kurukulle is #Amitabha, the principal #Buddha in Pure Land #Buddhism. Also, a deity exists in #Hindu and Buddhist Tantra who is usually invoked in works of subjugation, magnetizing and enchantment of people. Her name is Kurukulla. Kurukulla is also popular with those who are seeking a job as the #Goddess can make you stand out during an interview process and create the perfect conditions wherein you are likely to get promoted or hired. Tara is a female #Bodhisattva in Tibetan Buddhism, the feminine aspect of the Bodhisattva of compassion ( #Avalokitesvara ), “Mother of all the Buddhas.” #GoddessTara protects the welfare of all sentient beings and those who are devoted to her are especially lucky. The sometimes fierce aspect of Goddess Tara – Red Tara – steps down to Earth to be a service to mankind. The power of Kurukulle is glorious. She is a magnificent Bodhisattva that transcends the world. #OmTareTamSoha
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