Ace Combat Assault Horizon 1080p TriDef 3D over under Cinemizer OLED HMD sustained play

For HMD gaming to become reality VR pilots have to tolerate using both headtracking and a moving display (irrespective of FOV). This video is part of a cross HMD test looking for HMD nausea and to answer a simple as yet unasked question ... Can any one actually even play through an entire game using a HMD... Well I already know ... with the Cinemizer OLED I can game as long as I could using normal displays , but why is this and how can we use this experience to decrease the nausea that the Oculus Rift design produces? Is nausea inherent in the design or software.. To answer these questions and ask yet more we use Tridef 3D compare Framepacked , over under DX11 3D to Rift Tridef 3D sbs and non Rift Beta sbs .Using and comparing OLED and LCOS and LCD hmds and hurtle through the stomach churn fest that is NAMCOs Ace Combat Assault Horizon ... First up the Cinemizer OLED used to play in 1080p over under ....Result 0 nausea, no post HMD come down or the Rift and ST1080 videos upload I will go throu
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