“This is Madness!“ -- FANTASY Knife Challenge

I had a blast making this knife! Make sure to vote for your favorite knife here - 💵 Purchase This Knife Here - 📹The Judge’s Channels: @Tyrell Knifeworks @Encik Alee @Heavy_Forge @Aleeknives @Black Beard Projects ⭐ Fantasy Challenge Sponsors: Maritime Knife Supply: : Mosa US: 🔸The Competing Channels: @B. Kohn Knives @Bonifabcustom Rob Bonifacio @Dark Blade Knives @Drew Lininger @Faraway Forge @GentryCustomKnives @HANS @HouseMade @JP’s Bladeworks @Liam J. Penn @Njord Artisan @Old Hickory Forge @PJT Forging @Take And Make @The Art of Craftsmanship @The Rivers’ Experie...nce @Tony Severio Knives @Trollsky @Wengels Workshop 🔸 Become a RBO Patron - .
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