Prehistoric diorama “Raptors hunt an Iguanodon“ #diorama #dinosaurs #raptor #dinosaur
With this diorama I wanted to show one of my favorite dinosaurs in a natural scene. The raptor, in this case the Utah raptor to be precise. Ok, the Velociraptor is better known, but I always liked the Utah Raptor better. In this scene I show how a group of raptors come out of the tall grass to attack an iguanodon that seems surprised.
I’ve always been fascinated by dinosaurs and had dinosaur books, figures and toys as a child. I went fossil collecting with my uncle and so on. To this day, some of that fascination with dinosaurs remains, and that’s why I’m making these diorama should bring a smile and great memories to all those who also have a fascination for dinosaurs. i hope you like the raptors and the rest of the diorama.
Your Jens Dean
00:00 opening credits
00:45 Base
10:32 figures paintin
1 view
6 months ago 00:18:50 1
Prehistoric diorama “Raptors hunt an Iguanodon“ #diorama #dinosaurs #raptor #dinosaur
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