Running reel 1 of Monster House (2006) on 35mm film

This video has been pitch-corrected. Don’t think I’ve posted about the print of Monster House that I’ve had in my collection for a few months now, so... tada! Yup, this one’s been in my house since early October and I’ve been nursing it ever since. I’d say it’s in decent condition (especially reels 2 and 4). There’s a deep emulsion line that runs through the first 2 minutes or so of reel 5 (the final reel) and a few sparing green lines and scratches here and there throughout this reel and the third one, but the color and clarity are top notch. I’ve played this in full twice for an “audience“... once during a get-together with my good friends in late October of last year, and about a month ago for some extended family. So it’s seen its fair share of wear (did I just rhyme three times in one sentence? That’s right.) but it’s very watchable and presentable and makes for fun viewing especially towards spooky season. Any questions regarding the
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