Shrimp cube

8 gallon rimless shrimp cube aquarium. It’s a freshwater heavily planted tank with SS grade crystal red and some red cherry shrimps. Five ottos (otocinclus catfish) and a siamese algae eater guard it from algae. Live plants. Foreground: dwarf hairgrass (Eleocharis parvula), java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) and perfect floating riccia (Riccia fluitans or Crystalwort) Central area: Nesaea red. and hairgrass (Eleocharis vivipara) Background plants: Vallisneria corkscrew and stargrass (Heteranthera zosterifolia) Substrate: Flourite black sand Tank: 12“x 12“x 12“ rimless custom-made glass tank Filter: Canister Fluvar 104 Light: 2x13W 6700K CO2: DIY with inline reactor Fertilization: according to EI, but with with smaller dozes WC: 15% once a week.
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