Ford Mustang GT Twin Color Transformation

WE CAN DO IT! STAR® spray guns perform like a champ!!! Using BASF’s Glasurit®: 1. S-4C for HS Primer Filler 285-255 & 285-265 2. SMV-4F for Primer Filler Pro 285-270 (Wet-on-Wet) 3. EVO-T®-4F for 90 Line Waterborne Color 4. EVO-T®-106TF for Touch-up work, also using 90 Line WB 5. XPS13 for HS Multi Clear 923-255 Plus multi-stage filtration systems and disposable cups (STAR® PCS)... Ask your distributor about those products, and you’d be surprised by the great value, and the results which come with it.
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