Tango training: A simple exercise for better dissociation, strength and posture (at home practice)

Tango Dancer, **Free How To Pivot Better Guide** Feeling wobbly in your pivots sometimes? Have you ever lost balance or momentum in the the dance? Want to feel more grounded during your pivot? In our Free How To Pivot Better Guide we teach you a simple step-by-step exercise to practice balance, dissociation and momentum in your pivots - so you can play more when you are dancing. Click here to download it: ----- TITLE: How to practice at home without a partner Dear Tango Dancer, “How can I practice if I don’t have a partner?“ Ambitious tango students ask us variations of this question at least once a week. They assume that tango = partner dance = partner practice. No one ever told them that individual practice can be even more valuable for their tango journey. Did you just breathe a massive sigh of relief? If you are a tango dancer, it is likely that this sneaky little assumption has stopped yo
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