How to give someone abs (Photoshop Tutorial)

How to give someone abs with (Adobe Photoshop) In this video we create abs and place them onto a girl. By using various (Adobe Photoshop) tools to perfect the effect. Tools used ar Brush tool (Adobe Photoshop) Eraser tool (Adobe Photoshop) Content aware tool (Adobe Photoshop) Blend if colors (Adobe Photoshop) Blend mode (Adobe Photoshop) and of course the colors and tones altered to match the image. The main tool we use to get the effect is the Auto - Blend - Layers tool This tool is highly efective in matching the colors of 2 selected layers. first you have to select the abs layer pixles. Then decrese the selection to about 15. (This will give you the bleed needed to blend the images together) Then cut the section out from the image we are going to place them on. Then using the Auto - Blend - layers under edit menue. Its like majic. Im using Adobe Photoshop 2020 which has allot of better updates compared to earlier versions of Photoshop. photoshop 2019 photoshop cc 2019 Photoshop manipulation Photoshop
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