Flying Fortresses through the lens of Luftwaffe gun cameras

If you want to help keep the caffeine flowing Compilation of various USAAF Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress bombers under attack by the Luftwaffe from 1943-1945. Some known historical context: 0:18 - B-17F 42-29859 “The Annihilator“ shot down on May 14th 1943 over Belgium. Waist gunner Leroy Donaldson and Ball turret gunner Albert Jensen KIA, rest of the crew captured. 0:36 - Probably B-17G 42-97502 of the 527th Bomb Squadron shot down by Werner Gerth flying a Fw 190 A-8 on May 13th 1944 . 6 of the crew were KIA. 00:59 - B-17G 42-97571 of the 457th Bomb Group targeted by Siegfried Schubert of Jagdgeschwader 400 flying a Me 163 on September 11th 1944. 5 of the crew were KIA. 1:05 - B-17G 42-102609 again attacked by Schubert in a Me 163 on August 16th 1944, in this case the bomber was able to make it back to base although Ball turret gunner Sergeant Donald E. Gaugh and Waist gunner Leroy B. Marsh were KIA 1:21 Probably B-17G 42-37866 (2 of the crew KIA) and B-17G 42-31144 (9 of the crew KIA) of the 708th Bomb Squadron shot down by Werner Gerth flying a Fw 190 A-6 on 29th April 1944. 1:55 B-17G of the 447th Bomb Group shot down by Willi Maximowitz flying a Fw 190 A-7 on 29th April 1944. 1:36 B-17 shot down by Oberleutnant Horst Haase in a JG3 Fw 190 A-8 July 18th 1944
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