“One Piece“ - Aokiji (Yusaku Matsuda) Kizaru (Kunie Tanaka) and Akainu (Bunta Sugawara)

The appearance and personalities of the three Admirals in “One Piece“ are based on classic Japanese actors. This video highlights the movies and TV series that inspired them. Aokiji is inspired by Yusaku Matsuda from the TV series “Detective Story“ (D松田優作『探偵物語』予告編 第6話 『失踪者の影) The show was supposed to be a standard detective story but instead became an idiosyncratic stylized show. The character from the anime wears his distinctive white suit and sleeping mask. The other two admirals Kizaru (Kunie Tanaka) and Akainu (Bunta Sugawara) both rose to prominence in the Yakuza film series “Battles Without Honor or Humanity“. This film was later remade in the 90’s as (新・仁義なき戦い。(予告編) which is where the famous “Kill Bill“ song com
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