Scott & Kira | This Love

My first vid of 2021 and my ninth VU vidlet is for my wonderful talented friend @TheHowlingTempest! It was the first vidlet I started, but for a long time I felt like I wasn’t doing these two justice due to me not remembering 99,99% of this show, so it took me ages to finish this. But last night I suddenly got a burst of inspiration and finally managed to finish this vid with Nabs’ help! Thank you so much for that, hun ❤️ Nabs, I hope I managed to do your OTP justice. You deserve all the Scira vids in the world, and I hope this one lived up to your expectations. Thank you so much again for pledging and for motivating me to vid these two cuties! On a general note: happy 2021, everyone! May it be better than 2020. I’m still dedicated to finishing all my VU vidlets and vids as soon as possible, but please bear with me for a little longer. I’m still working on a long essay, so I probably won’t be able to vid much for the next 11 days or so. After tha
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