Peter & Gwen | Gone, Gone, Gone (+No Way Home)

baby, I’m not moving on I’ll love you long after you’re gone; ___ Hello! So I have like 10 things to study for and I actually have an exam today, but instead of studying or even sleeping, I have decided to make this video, so here goes my decision-making sljdkdd But omg, these two!! I rarely cry at movies to tell the truth, and especially at cinema, and omg a Marvel movie making me cry??? But I SO cried at this movie, I mean, the scene when he catches MJ— I will never emotionally recover tbh, I still haven’t recovered after Gwen’s death scene and now THIS kdjdkdd and I was just so so happy to see Andrew as Peter again, I love him so much ldjddjkd Anyway, this is very simple and pretty short but I just wanted to do something with my feels (and working on this was making me want to cry too ngl), and I hope you enjoy it! I should go back to my exams now, wish me luck (bc I’m really gonna need it)! kdjddk ___ coloring | Alessa Belikov [Getaway Ca
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