Max Payne Remake :UE5

Hello Everyone, I would like to show you Our Latest work on Unreal Engine5. A month ago, I decided to work on Max Payne house remake, so i spoke with some of my friends to work with me on this project. [[ Salma Jahen, Salma Hamad , Muhammed Fakhry , Ahmed Mamdouh Hatem Mohamed , Mohamed Walid ]] They made the props assets and i made the level, environment, modular, lighting, blueprint, post-processing, It was an amazing time to work with a such talented team, they’re worked hard to create high quality assets. We had big challenged from the first time that we tried to make the same old assets and the environment but with higher quality. We cared too much to get the same look and feel like max payne original. i used substance designer to create most of the textures that we used like walls, floors also we used Megascan for some assets and textures. full level design made by using Modular assets. Hope you like it. @maxpayneau
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