MF DOOM - The Lost Relics of Dumile Vol. V (2021) []FAN ALBUM[]

Rest in Peace Daniel Dumile This mix is part a series of “fan albums“ made out of loosies and guest appearances from the Super Villain. Volume 5 is a collection of remixes and live versions of DOOM songs. Go check out the full projects, Madvillany 2, GG DOOM etc. MF DOOM - D-E-C-O-N-S-T-R-U-C-T-E-D 00:00 Sermon (prod. Madlib) 01:47 The Super (prod. Jake One) 04:42 Cookie Jar (prod. Just Blaze) 06:50 Mad World (prod. Koushik) 08:06 Fire In The Hole (prod. Madlib) 09:33 Genie in a Bottle (prod. Grip Grand) 12:39 Glass of Olde E (prod. Blockhead) 15:22 Ever Since (prod. X-Ray) 19:56 Melanin on Melanin (live on BBC Radio 4) 23:32 Borrowed Time (prod. Four Tet) 26:26 Running Around with Another (prod. Madlib) 29:16 Doomslayer (prod. Young Guru) 31:34 Retarded (prod. Danger Mouse) 34:20 Gonads (prod. Grip Grand) 38:15 Host With The Most (prod. Madlib) 41:57 Never Go Pop (prod. Madlib) 43:53 Sock With a Hole (Robert Glasper Experiment Live)
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