I Turned A $1 Hammer Into A Work Of Art!

I had a rusty hammer in the corner of the workshop that I decided to restore. This hammer is not very old, but my goal in restoring this hammer was to make a beautiful handle for it. I wanted to find what I had in mind on it, so I have a rusty hammer I took it and started working, first I removed the rust with a wire brush, then I cleaned the hammer again with a wire brush so that electricity can flow through it, I removed all the rust with a 12 V 5 A electricity I did the work and sanded it, it took 3 hours to complete the work. Hammer handle: I made it out of 2 pieces of walnut and mullein wood, which I glued to one another with wood glue. I placed a long screw inside the wooden handle and made a nut from a piece of iron for it. After connecting the handle to the hammer, I attached the nut to the screw inside the handle from the top so that it stays tight and never moves. At the same time, with the idea that I implemented on this hammer, the hammer can be separated from the handle at any ti
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