Rescue Mama Dog who was tied up by some cruel humans with wire was embedded deep in her neck

See More: - Poor dog was lying on the bike route for days: - Poor dog was found lying on the streets in terrible condition: - Poor dog had bursted abscess with nacrosed skin: This mama dog rescued by VetVan Thailand: “Six weeks ago, 4th time lucky! We were finally able to dart, with sedatives, and rescue the suffering mother dog who was tied up by some cruel humans. Wire was embedded deep in her neck and around her mouth leaving her with extreme pain and swelling for over 2 weeks and unable to eat. Her 7 babies we already rescued and took to safety. We have named this sweet girl Tammi after our catcher Tam who we couldn’t have done this without. Tammi was safe and in recovered with Dr Sita. Tammi was in a lot of pain and her wounds are horrific but Dr Sita did all she can to make her comfortable and help her heal. After four weeks, Tammis neck wound is all healed. She still has a small wound around her mouth bu
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