We did NOT expect this when MOVING TO MEXICO

Alex from @Backpacking Brunette is joining us as we share unexpected benefits & surprises we’ve all discovered since moving to Mexico. ► Start learning Spanish like we do: Despite all the research we did about Mexico before moving to this country, there was a lot about life and culture here we didn’t anticipate. There are actually a LOT of hidden perks and unexpected benefits about Mexico that really caught us off guard. Some of the things we’re chatting about at La Redonda vineyard in Queretaro, Mexico are: - Making connections with like-minded people who move to Mexico - Our abilities and preferences when making friends - Outsourcing - A sense of community - A new mindset about products and purchasing - Learning more about seasonality - Becoming a better English speaker while learning Spanish - The cost of travel in Mexico - and more! Featured in today’s video is Alex from the YouTube channel Backpacki
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