When Mihoyo Made Xinyan’s solo fits any song

I Hope you enjoy this video, feel free to recommend more content like these!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rock ’n’ roll is a relatively unpopular style of music in Liyue, having recently been brought over from Fontaine. Xinyan, however, loves the sound — and she’s slowly but surely amassing a fanbase of her own as she performs throughout Liyue Harbor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join My Discord Server ...- Song Used: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody Fuyu No Hanashi Green Day - Basket Case BNHA - My Hero Acadmia Guns N’ Roses - Sweet Child O’ Mine KANA-BOON - SILHOUETTE Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit Canon Rock - Sungha Jung Naimononedari Revenge the First Take ---------------------------------------------------
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