Dzerzhinsk is a city in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia, located along the Oka River. In Soviet times, it was the largest center of the chemical industry in the USSR, in this connection the ecological situation in the region was in an unsatisfactory condition. The city was also among Soviet’s principal production sites for chemical weapons. Nowadays some of the chemical factories, such as Korund, OrgSteklo, Zarya, DzerzhinskHimMash are partially or completely abandoned.
music - Archean Nights - Exploring Long Forgotten Cities,
Archean Nights - Pulled by Turbulent Storms,
camera - panasonic g7
lense - panasonic 12-32
stabilizer - s40
september 2019
september 2020
8 months ago 00:08:05 1
Сhemical plants of Dzerzhinsk. Part 2.
1 year ago 00:13:49 15
Сhemical plants of Dzerzhinsk. Part 5.
1 year ago 00:12:18 11
Сhemical plants of Dzerzhinsk. Part 4.
1 year ago 00:08:30 10
Сhemical plants of Dzerzhinsk. Part 3.
1 year ago 00:09:14 36
Сhemical plants of Dzerzhinsk. Part 1.
9 years ago 00:00:47 60
Chemical Auto представляет
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Ваз 21099. История российского авто. выпуск № 6. Chemical auto
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Ваз 2107. История российского авто.Выпуск №5. Видеообзор chemical auto