Michael Crusader(My neo-classic-balad,idea,N-0047-NDAJ Person!)

In adres nord-deutsch-japonsk people and in adres Lannerback Johansson Jay Yngwie Malmsteen too! Happy birthday dear! Excus`me please ,what`s not with light-texst! Understand ,please ,my situation in russia and what`s i`and in has hard situations not surrender too! And music my for light fight! For nature ,what`s in big tolerant everyday! For light civilisation future! For sincere christiansk faith! For friendship! For love! For right now in my life and in life good people too! One moment! I`not open big covers! In grand-has hard times i`with vision child open covers! In real times -covers in my soul big not! I`person not little musician and not need one i` too! Thank-you very much for understanding! On earth big and big not person sincere vision in work! On earth big and big sweete liars and afferists! Security yours dears god! Me not hard understand sincere respect for yours magik-works in yours tolerant life too!
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