11 years ago. On the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th year of the millenium. Todd Howard and Bethesda released the The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. 11 years later the game has seen releases on all platforms from pc games, to xbox, playstation, steamdeck, nintendo switch and even Samsung smart fridge! We have seen Skyrim, Skyrim: Special Edition, Skyrim VR and most recently Skyrim: Anniversary Edition. All adding a new perspective on the game. New mods are constantly adding content to this game and yet despite all the changes and improvements one thing has stayed true for the entire skyrim history. Skyrim Is A perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits. Skyrim is a unique game because there are no skyrim bugs there are no skyrim glitches there are no skyrim exploits. There is only Todd Howards Divine Wisdom creating new skyrim features! You might have your skyrim funny moments with what you believe to be game breaking bugs or overpowered items but in reality they are just intended features!
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