Tragedy in Austria! Dam failure and worst flooding in 10 years, Europe is praying

Tragedy in Austria! Dam failure and worst flooding in 10 years, Europe is praying Heavy flooding caused by storms has caused dams to burst in Austria, submerging homes and causing widespread damage. According to reports, the situation is particularly drastic in St. Pölten. Due to the dam break, a major operation has been underway since 11 a.m. Some municipalities such as Wilhelmsburg, Böheimkirchen, Pyhra, Neidling, Markersdorf and Haunoldstein were all affected by flooding. #austria #flood #storm #dambreak #stpölten #heavyrain #weather #rain #flooding #climatechange #news #today This channel discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports around the world, such as: floods, storms, flash floods, tornadoes, typhoons, earthquakes, heavy rain, hail, strong winds, climate change, weather warnings, volcanic eruptions, bad weather, weather news and a compilation of natural disasters caught on camera. If you find inappropriate use of copyri
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