Slipknot — Joey Jordison (1975 - 2021). Tribute video. Rest in peace, Joey. We love you.
On November 28, 1995, Mark Anthony Cadavos approached Jordison while he was working, offering him a position in a new project called The Pale Ones. Intrigued and at a point where he was “lost“, Jordison attended rehearsals at Anders Colsefni’s basement and immediately wanted to be part of this new band. Speaking of this moment he said, “I remember trying so hard not to smile, so I didn’t look like I wanted to join, I remained poker-faced, but I thought they ruled.“ A lot of Slipknot’s early development was discussed by band members while Jordison worked night shifts at Sinclair’s garage. Of the eventual nine members, Joey was the third to join the band.
Slipknot #JoeyJordison #Drummer #Rock #Metal #music