20 Reasons the USA is NOT #1 Anymore

If you’re looking to verify a claim, you ought to research and check supporting statistics. In this video, Andrew shares twenty reasons why the USA is no longer the number one country in the world. 00:00 Start 0:29 Leaving the USA - Life in the USA - California - Jeff Daniels 3:06 US birth rate falls 4% to its lowest point ever 3:17 household income 3:56 The murder rate per 100,000 people 4:32 Share of CO2 emissions by country 4:39 Highest health care costs 4:44 Life expectancy 5:30 Student math performance 5:37 Doctorates per capita 5:43 International patent applications. 6:23 Number of people in the military 7:29 America’s crime rate 7:33 Literacy Rate by Country 2021 7:36 Happiness 8:15 Second-largest car market 8:22 Global Obesity Levels 8:37 The safest countries 9:13 The Highest taxes in the world
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