0:00 - Intro
2:50 - What is the purpouse of carb cycling why not just stay at same macros in deficit?
5:00 - When someome is taking multiple supplements such as tren/test/deca how do the receptors use the deca when its not as potent as the tren. And do they differentiate how its used.
8:40 - Have you ever known anybody who has dealt with spinal stenosis ? If so did they have surgery ? I’m 69, know age has alot to do with this problem Getting a spinal epidural shot Friday.
11:08 - Dorian made a comment saying wide grip pull downs is not good exercise he prefers reverse pull downs your thoughts.
13:08 - I found out that nandrolone and Masteron were produced to do the same thing by the way they combat estrogen,they chose Masteron because it was less virile,nandrolone was more virile in females ,but both did similar things to combat estrogen.
15:35 - Is victor contes zma product a performance enhancer?
16:25 - I have been in a calorie deficit for 13 weeks and gradually