ASMR Vision Acuity Tests on You

Why howdy! Today’s vision test/exam is a little different than my normal eye exams, I find these kinds of videos soooo tingly and I was inspired by this black and white card set I found!! I hope you like it! :D ~Gibi Subscribe to the new (re-purposed lol) channel: @gibireststop 🎵Listen/Watch on Other Platforms: [club196744311|*Spotify] WITH VIDEO:* [club196744311|*Spotify] Audio Only:* [club148053521|*Apple] Music:* [id9060067|*Soundcloud]:* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My upload schedule for 2024: ►Saturday @ 6pm ET: New ASMR Video ►Every Other Wednesday: ASMR Compilation on @gibireststop ►Daily: Short Edits on @gibireststop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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