Coleman Weimer has been an essential member of the Atmos team, and is also a leading filmmaker in the yoyo community, talented artist, and friend.
Here’s the USA National Yoyo Contest 2023 through Coleman’s eyes.
Coleman also wrote about his time at the contest, here -
Augie Fash
Kris Toledo
Tim Lacanienta
Angelo Aguirre
Parker Story
Blaise Becker
Alann Santiago
Graeme Steller
Collin Ellingson
Ian Tenney
Eric Koloski
Tessa Piccillo
Thomas Rajan
Adrian Velez
Ya Hoo
Sergio Reyes
Remy Baskin
Phoenix Chua
Anthony Rojas
Chris Godsey
Tony Song
Levi W
Matthew Poon
Michael Kurti
Ibrahim Rahman
James Miguel Recio
Ben Sanders
Colin Beckford
Matthew Wallsten
Justin Dauer
Chandler Steele
Talia Jamison
Brendan McGinnis
Nate Dailey
Zack Finch
Eric Tranton
Stay For A While by Luc Delorenzo
Stormwater Samples by Team Evil
In a Way by Paul Duncan
Chronological Order by Point Juncture, WA
Diana by Worry WartShow more