GAME OVER China’s real life SQUID GAME as bloodthirsty black market

GAME OVER China’s real life SQUID GAME as bloodthirsty black market sees men & women ‘killed to order’ for their organs #SquidGame #China #IllegalOrganHarvesting IN CHINA’s chilling underworld of illegal organ harvesting, a group of back alley doctors hunt down victims of fatal car crashes and trick their families into allowing them to harvest their organs for large sums of cash. Squid Game, China, street surgeon, underground doctor, underground surgeon, back alley plastic surgeon, organ harvesting, illegal organ harvesting, Huang Xinli, Huang Xinli performed 10 of the 11 organ harvesting operations in China, livers and kidneys, hospital in Anhui province, world news, china news #SquidGame #China #IllegalOrganHarvesting
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