A Smith Family Therapy Session | Best Shape of My Life

To order Will’s book, visit: As Will hits the home stretch of his fitness journey, his focus wanes as he returns to the United States to reveal the pages of his book to close friends and family. ________________________ ► SUBSCRIBE: ► WATCH MORE Episode 1: Episode 2: Episode 3: Episode 4: Episode 5: ► FEATURED GUESTS Dr. Ramani: Aaron Ferguson: Trey Smith: Jaden Smith: Willow Smith: Sheree Zampino: Jas Davis: ► FOLLOW WILL TikTok: @willsmith Instagram: ​ Facebook: ​ ________________________ ◈ Created by Westbrook Media and YouTube Originals #WillSmith #BestShapeOfMyLife #MentalHealth 0:00 Priorities 2:33 Pt VI Love 4:02 Miami 9:20 Jaden 11:09 Willow 13:49 Daddio 18:00 Book Party 20:53 Wrapping Up
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