When & Where Does The Lion King Take Place?

Uncover the clues hidden within Disney’s animated and live action versions of The Lion King to discover the setting for Simba’s story! Selected Bibliography Apfelbeck, Beate. “Taita Hills: The Cloud Forest in a Fragmented Landscape.” Africa Geographic. May 8, 2019. Editors. “Eburran.” The British Museum. Accessed May 5, 2024. Editors. “What is a Cloud Forest?” Think Galapagos. Accessed May 4, 2024. Frahm, Ellery and Christian A. Tryon. “Later Stone Age toolstone acquisition in the Central Rift Valley of Kenya: Portable XRF of Eburran obsidian artifacts from Leakey’s excavations at Gamble’s Cave II.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 18 (2018): 475-486. Higgins, Abigail. “Visit the African park that inspired ‘The Lion King’.” National Geographic. July 11, 2019. Kabiru, Angela W. “A Short Prehistory of Karura Forest.” Kenya Past and Present 42, (2015): 13-19. KMS Kenya Past and Present Issue . Keck, William. “Inside Disney’s Re-Imagined The Lion King: 7 Facts We’re Not ‘Lion’ About.” D23. July 29, 2019. Kim. “Two-Legged Creatures, Part 1.” The Lion King: A Nature Fun and Learn Series, 1994. Kim. “Two-Legged Creatures, Part 2.” The Lion King: A Nature Fun and Learn Series, 1994. Minkoff, Rob. “Lion King Director Reacts to Honest Trailer! - Honest Reactions w/ Rob Minkoff.” Screen Junkies. August 28, 2017. YouTube video, Shipton, Ceri. “Kenyan Stone Age: The Louis Leakey Collection.” In World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: A Characterization, edited by Dan Hicks and Alice Stevenson. Archaeopress, 2013. Sutton, J. E. G. “Archeology and Reconstructing History in the Kenya Highlands: The Intellectual Legacies of . Huntingford and Louis S.B. Leakey.” History in Africa 34 (2007): 297–320. Sutton, J. E. G. “The Aquatic Civilization of Middle Africa.” The Journal of African History 15, no. 4 (1974): 527-546. Voiland, Adam. “Ethiopia’s Forest in the Clouds.” NASA Earth Observatory. February 5, 2021.
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