The Baltic Project: Fisher’s Plan to Win WW1

This video aims to be a short documentary looking at a fairly unknown/ misunderstood plan advocated by Sir John ’Jackie’ Fisher, the British First Sea Lord. It involved using Britain’s greatest strategic asset, the Royal Navy, to severe German trade in the Baltic, specifically with Sweden. This would have brought about a collapse of the German economy, and a victory for Britain in the First World War, without the immense cost of the Western Front. Sources: Andrew Lambert: The British Way of War (Where most of the information in this video is sourced from. An excellent biography of Julian Corbett dealing with the principles of British Grand Strategy, highly recommended). Margaret MacMillan, The War that Ended Peace Barbara Tuchmann, The Guns of August (Details on British pre-war planning for the BEF). #History, #RoyalNavy, #WW1
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