Velvet and Velvet Dolls - Сказка (Fairy tale) (1992)

Velvet and Velvet Dolls - Сказка (Fairy tale) (1992) Composition: Yakov Krivitsky, Alexander Merzlyakov, Stanislav Sozonov. The group of the first Izhevsk wave. If their colleagues “Bamboo Knock at 11 o’clock” played industrial ambient and simultaneously invented trip-hop, “Dodo Males” mastered the sound of 4AD label, “Beautiful Came” group walked somewhere between “Coil” and “Cabaret Voltaire”, then “Velvet & The Velvet Dolls“ chose the most primitive way - to make noise on guitars loudly, despite the fact that they did not hear anything about shoegazing then. Taken from the Finnish documentary film shown on the channel YLE TV. This video - participant of the art festival “Exotica “ held in Russia from 1992 to 1996.
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