What is a Tornado? Facts & Information - Geography for Kids | Educational Videos by Mocomi

presents:What is a Tornado? What is a Tornado? Watch this video to understand what a Tornado is, how it is formed, and the destruction it can cause when anything comes in its path. Tornadoes are fierce rotating columns of air that are in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cloud. These mostly occur in the United States. As the warm air flows upwards, a downward air current forms, creating a thunderstorm. If a strong wind blows through the clouds, it twists the rising air currents into a whirlwind. This whirlwind spins faster and faster until it forms a tornado. The wind generated by a tornado is the most powerful on the Earth, damaging almost everything that comes in its path. When a building comes in way of a tornado, the air pressure inside the building exceeds the air pressure outside. This is why many buildings which have come in way of a tornado, are known to have exploded. Most tornadoes in the United States occur in the Great Plains. In 1925, one of the fastest and
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