How to get Notification at a particular time with alarm manager in android studio | Game App Studio

Alarm manager allows the users to create a list of items with a reminder time associated with each task. It helps you remember your important tasks. It is useful in conjunction with broadcast receivers to start and perform other operations. It reduces your dependency on timers or continuously running background services. Follow the steps to know how to get Notification at a particular time with alarm manager in the android studio:- 1. Use a broadcast receiver to get the notification in the alarm manager and to handle the background services. 2. Use speech to text convertor to creat event name from the user’s speech. 3. Use date picker and time picker as well to set the date and time. 4. Enter the description through text keyboard or use speech to text. 5. Select the date and time on which event is scheduled and then submit. 6. The alarm manager app will automatically generate a notification when the event is scheduled. Watch more videos like how to get Notification at a particu
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