Join Be Peace Kirtan - Livestream from a global community and chant Mantras in the most powerful way of meditation which is Kirtan. Join and sing along or just rest in sound and listen.
🙏 Mantras:
Haribol Nitai-Gaur
Nitai-Gaur Haribol
Gauranga Nityananda
Gopala Govinda Rama
Madana Mohana Murari
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
🌎🙏 Kirtans by:
00:00 Ashraya (Australia)
57:16 Narada Muni das (Sacramento, USA)
1:14:10 Vrindavan das (Sacramento, USA)
1:29:18 Satya (Lublin, Poland)
2:05:16 Nitya Manjari dasi (La Union, Philippines)
2:35:29 Visnu das (Split, Croatia)
2:49:45 Julia & Olena (London, England)
3:19:48 The Harinamas (Austin, USA)
3:30:00 The Cowchers (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
3:37:36 Aniruddha dasi (Sankt-Pietierburg, Russia)
4:17:03 Murti dasi (Klecza, Poland)
5:11:10 Yoga Meditation Cubao Center (Manila, Philippines)
5:26:46 Prahlad das (London, England)
5:55:44 Ananda das (Oslo, Norway)
6:09:21 Bhaktivedanta dasi (Oslo, Norway)
6:23:33 Havard (Oslo, Norway)
6:42:56 Bhaktivedanta dasi (Oslo, Norway)
6:54:13 Mount Maunganui Meditation (New Zealand)
7:27:42 Tanya & Dima (Yaremche, Ukraine)
7:40:26 Yoga Sound Studio (Cracow, Poland)
8:41:36 Ralph Angelo Rico (Davao City, Philippines)
9:06:33 Premananda das & Hrishikesha dasi (Wales, UK)
9:21:16 Baliyan dasi (Hoher Kasten, Switzerland)
9:34:40 Galina (Lublin, Poland)
10:11:47 Free Spirits (Philippines)
10:41:48 Patricia & Dominica (London, England)
11:43:09 Acharya das (Brisbane, Ausralia)
#bepeace #bepeacelive #kirtan #mantras #innerpeace #mantrachanting #mantrameditation #meditation #awakening #yogawisdom #meditationpractice
1 view
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