1000 Karate Punches/Zuki Shotokan- various stances. Follow along. No focus on speed, just doing it.

Just followed along this routine to try it out as seen on a video made by Kenichi Sato and Team Ki (they did a great job) My counting totally messed up, so below is a breakdown and if you do the whole thing you will have done a 1000 punches. 1000 punches: 100 x choku zuki 25 x ren zuki 25 x ren zuki 30 x sanbon zuki 10 x choku zuki 25 x choku zuki 90° 25 x choku zuki 90° 100 x choku zuki side step 50 x gyaku zuki 50 x gyaku zuki 25 x kizami / gyaku zuki 25 x kizami / gyaku zuki 100 x oi zuki 25 x shiho zuki 100 x choku zuki in kiba dachi
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