Barabar Caves are located 18 km north of Gaya in the Jehanabad District of Bihar. Consists of four caves including Lomas Rishi, Sudama, Karan Chopar (Nigoha-kubhaor Banyan Tree Cave) and Vishva Zopari. The caves fall under three categories, Nagarjuniya caves, Pandava caves and cottage-shaped hut caves. They are carved out of huge granite rocks, and two of them are in the form of a plain rectangular outer hall. Each cave carries Buddhist inscriptions and houses. These caves look as if they are cut with a laser. Used by ascetics from the Ajivika sect, these caves were founded by Makkhali Gosala. They were an influence to future South Asian rock-cut architecture. They are the oldest surviving rock-cut caves in India from the Mauryan period (322-185 BC).
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