Niche Zero vs DF64 vs Eureka Oro Mignon Single Dosing Coffee Grinder Comparison
A full comparison between the Best Single Dosing Coffee Grinders on the market for the Home Barista. We take the Niche Zero Grinder, the Coffee Tech DF64 Grinder and the Eureka Oro Mignon Single Dosing Grinder through a comparison of features to investigate how they stack up next to one another. Shop Automatic Grinders: Taking a look at everything from the Workflow, noise levels, retention and maintenance - as well as a semi-deep dive into the flavour profiles that these Espresso and Filter (multipurpose) grinders produce.
2:00 Hoppers
3:18 Grind Dials
5:05 Grinds Chute & Dosing
7:20 Noise Exposure
10:27 Espresso Tasting
15:00 Filter Tasting
16:54 Grinds Retention
18:58 Final Summary
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Shop Niche Zero Grinder:
Shop DF64 Grinder:
Shop Eureka Oro Mignon SD Grinder:
Thoughts retrospect
I’ve left out the part where I was ’Khaby Lame like’ pointing at the Niche Zero Grinder at the end of every segment - as although the Niche Zero performs very well across all tests - I don’t want to diminish the fact the other grinders are also superb - whilst suggesting the Niche is the only grinder you need to have. This is not the case at all - I simply wanted to demonstrate why the Niche Zero maintains a level of popularity through its performance and user-friendly workflow, despite the fact of newer grinders being released that do compete in the single dosing grinder segment.
I was surprised to see the Niche had a lot less transitory retention compared to the other grinders, as it has had the most coffee ground through it in the studio. I expected either more or a substantially dirtier grinds chamber - but that was not the case. This further demonstrates Niche’s retention superiority.
The whole comparison of these three automatic grinders seems to mirror the findings ’almost’ from the previous Hand Grinder Comparison I did last month - where the Comandante Mk4 went head to head with the 1Zpresso J-Max and K-Plus. At a stretch. - I would say the K-Plus is much like the DF64, the Jmax is like the Eureka Oro Mignon and the Comandante is the Niche.
I will follow this idea up shortly by doing a Hand Grinder vs Automatic Grinder - to discover what may be the advantages of having a manual grinder are over an automatic one for espresso brewing - over and above the obvious savings - and I will use one of the above matchings to explore this.
I did try adding the 64mm burrs into the Eureka Oro Mignon - but sadly it is the top burr carrier that will not fit anything but the 65mm Eureka Burrs.
Notes on Coffees Used:
All coffee was 10 days post-roast.
Costa Rica:
Things I overlooked to add:
- De-clumping screens on the Grinders and how this adds or detracts from low retention.
- The Niche Zero’s dosing cup sits on a removable wooden plate / there is no marketed hands-free portafilter dosing with the Niche Zero.
- Serviceability / Warranty
- RTD when dosing. Not that everyone does it - but I do believe this is almost essential with Single Dosing Grinders during dry/low humidity times of the year, as well as decreasing the overall dust that is created whilst using the Bellows systems.
- Aesthetics; including options/modifications to look and colour.
- DF64’s Auto-off function. This is great - none of the other grinders has it.
- Any comparison using the DF64 and SSP Burrs vs the rest. There are 3 types of SSP burrs that could be used - so that’s for another video - comparing the SSP burrs to each other.
Music: Courtesy of Youtube Audio Library
#alternativebrewing #nichezero #df64 #eurekaoromignon
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