Critical Role - A New Critter

Congratulations to Travis and Laura with the birth of Ronin. This kid is gonna have oodles of talent and charisma, you can see it in his eyes. But this is why we love Critical Role. It’s so fantastically huge now, that you need small morsels like this before you move on to the Heroes feast. Morsels here: Heroes Feast here: Critical Role and/Or Geek and Sundry often monetize my highlight clips automatically through Youtube. This helps more Critters be born and continues to help fund the production of Critical Role and all the fun they bring to us. So clicking an advert or watching for a while can benefit all of Exandria. Which is a good thing as it needs all the help it can get with the Mighty Nein running amok. Follow season 2 adventures here: I started this as a way to show CR to friends who cou
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