1-Hour Sri Vitthala Giridhari Parabrahmane Namaha (chanted by Swami Tulsidas)

LYRICS: śrī viṭṭhala giridhārī parabrahmane namaḥ --- TRANSLATION: My obeisances to the Supreme Lord Viṭṭhala, which is the refuge and protection of everyone.’ * This special mantra was given by the enlightened Master, Paramahamsa Vishwananda. The mantra is composed of Divine Names, each of them holding very high and nurturing vibrations that have the ability to change our lives and, through our common efforts, change the world as a result. **RECEIVE ONLINE BLESSING FROM PARAMAHAMSA VISHWANANDA** **Who is Swami Tulsidas?** Swami Tulsidas is a direct-disciple of his spiritual master and Satguru, Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda. After living 12 years in his Satguru’s main ashram in Germany, Paramahamsa Vishwananda sent him back to the . to spread the teachings of Bhakti Marga (the path of devotion). You can learn more about Swamiji and the mission of Pa
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